


It's a shame we can not let one or two examples of the possibilities of sound this bass.


Of course, you have to type the English manual to take advantage of all the possibilities of gadget but like all electronic devices you really want to fully exploit. I just acquired Trilian believing that it would be even better but I was very disappointed, so, I stay with the home Scarbee bass, there's no better now. She can play almost anything is possible by a very good bassist: slides, X-notes, hammer-on, pull off, trill buzz, all the major joints of bassist are. Since I own this bass sampled, I no longer use her and her sisters. In the bank DD-Bass, certain sounds are time-stretching (slides, for example), so, those are loaded into RAM 100% in all, it takes 176 MB, but it's well worth. Their system 'direct from disk' has virtually no need to preload the sounds in RAM, the RAM footprint is zero, at least for sounds DFD.


I have Kontakt 4, so I do not dig on that side. I still think that with the latest version of MM-bass, it is the last 4 or Kontakt Kontakt Player (gratos). The new mounting system for bank Kontakt from Native Instruments are loooong: they decompress, recompressent. But I'd be down to wait till end of the year for something closer to 50% off of Canterbury.Easy but long. Then there's the Scarbee Classic EP-88S on sale for $50. I do have the OTS Famous E in my cart from the group buy and have till the end of July to buy it at $71 something if I want. Now that I've revisited the EPs I've got in Komplete, I'd like to pick up something else, and I like dark and gritty but I want brilliance and sparkle too when I want it and I'd like to get all that from just one EP. is that adjustable? Like, can you make Canterbury sparkle and chime too or is it mostly just a dark-ish gritty sound? Cuz I've changed my mind a bit about what I said in another thread the other day about how most EPs seemed to be the same to me more or less, quality-wise (not sound per se). I mean, I've checked it out on YouTube, but it seems kind of a dark sounding instrument. Hey man, can you (or anyone else) tell me more about Canterbury? Mainly I just want to know how adjustable the sound is.


It seems to have more grit than the Classic EP88. That said, I use the Soniccouture Canterbury Suitcase most often. The pianos in Komplete which are 12-18 velocity layers are fine for that. If it's the piano by itself and your a very expressive player then velocity levels make a big difference, but in a dance or rock piano it's not so important, at least to me. It fits into typical bass, guitar, piano and drums type songs really nicely. I'm finding it gives me the dryness that I like, without overdoing the artifacts or resonance that you get in some pianos that I don't like. My favorite for sound at the moment is "The Gentleman" in Komplete. However, when your playing back in the mix, velocity layers are less important because in a busy mix, you don't need all the different expressions which will be crushed by compression anyway.


I use the Modart one for playing direct as that utilizes the full 127 midi levels due to modelling. What I've found with velocity layers is that when your playing the instrument, velocity layers are so important for feel. Most of the current Rhodes releases are all quite good. It really comes down to personal taste. More importantly, provided you have a fast computer, it plays way better! That said, I use the Soniccouture Canterbury Suitcase most often.


To my ears the Classic EP88 sounds better. Scarbee’s earlier A200 is 850 MB. The Classic EP-88S is 5.6 GB with 30 velocity layers. Are you or anyone else finding this velocity issue w/ the two Bs?Īpparently the Famous E hiss has been fixed. but nothing about a fix for the sudden change in velocity from Bb3 to B3 as reported in that first link up there. He also reported excessive hiss that made the OTS Famous E unusable to him, but if you look at this thread here starting w/ this post  , on page 2 Greg from OTS responded and commented on the hiss issue, and towards the end of that second page both Virtuoso and Greg confirm that to his issue has been fixed. You seeing this problem that this guy Virtuoso reported where there's a sudden change between Bb3 and B3? You can see his post and audio example here
